Kilimatinde Hospital Burns Unit
Kilimatinde Burns Unit Up date December 2021 
Since January 2021 we have received 15 burn patients, and most of them are accidental burns. One a boy of 15 years is epileptic and he lives 45km from the hospital and is difficult for him to benefit from the pharmacy program to supply medicine Free of charge.
On 19/01/21, we lost Janeth Michael Yona from Manyoni, a two years old girl who had 28% burns, she is the only patient to have died. The cause of death was septicaemia as her wounds when she arrived from Manyoni hospital were already septic. We tried to save her but in vain, we are so sad, as we always tell our clients and the Manyoni doctors not to retain burn patients as they do not have burns unit.
We have been able to reduce the average hospital stay to our patients, from one months to six months to two to three weeks.
Today we have discharged two patients and we remain with two an old women and man, although in one to two weeks we expect to able to discharge them.
An 18-year-old boy called Dalali who came to us with burns and has now been discharged was thrown into flames of a fire after being suspected of stealing a mobile phone. He was lucky as he managed to escape and run away from the fire and get to the hospital.
We thank you for your support and prayers for our burns unit, we have seen how the potential of the burns unit to help people with burns. May God bless all who contribute in one way or another to sustain our burns unit. The challenge I see is most is the ability of burns patients who are poor to pay for the treatment and medication. Meals are another obstacle to the healing process; healing is quicker to those who can afford to provide balanced diet. (Families have to provide meals for their relatives in the hospital).
Thank you and stay blessed.
The Bear Necessities Project 
The project supports an 8 bed burns unit which is one of the services provided by the Kilimatinde Hospital.
Who are the Bear Ladies
- A small groupwho enjoy making Bears
- Our aim is to share skills, encourage each other in the art of Bear making
- We have created 100 Bears which are use to raise funds to support the victims of burnsand to support the burns unit.
- Any one can participateand we would love to welcome new members and sharee packs with more groups.
- Please contact
The suggested donation for the BEAR Pattern pack including everything to make a Bear would be £10 if you would like to make and keep him, we would love to see your pictures.
To make a donation just click and mark it Bear Pack
To order a pack Please contact
To download the instructions click here
The Burns Unit
The burn unit was opened in 2018 to improve the care, recovery and life chances of those suffering from burn injury. Burns are a common occurrence in sub-Saharan Africa due to cooking on open fires and using gasoline lamps. Water is scarce and there’s a lack of first aid treatment and delayed admission to hospital which causes the injury to be worse and sometimes fatal.
In 2018 the nearest specialist burn unit was 10 hours away by bus most burn victims couldn’t survive the journey or cost of treatment.
Global situation: 95% of burns occur in low to middle income countries, the majority of burns happen in isolated rural areas where patients are treated by staff who have had no training in burn care.
The Kilimatinde Trust in partnership with the staff of Kilimatinde Hospital, set up the small 8 bedded burn unit. We visited the specialist burn unit and worked with them to design the unit in Kilimatinde. We used operational standards, training material and care plans with permission from
The funding for the burn unit came through the Kilimatinde Trust via individual fundraising events and a large donation /grant from Franciscan aid.
The treatment and care continue to improve, and the environment, nutrition, pain relief, and survival rate are good. The knowledge and skills of staff working in the unit continues to grow and we are committed to continued support of training and supplementing the cost of treatment for those who can’t afford it.
The suggested donation for a bear would be £10 if you would like to keep him, alternatively we would be happy to complete the bear if you just want to cut out the pattern, and that would be a great help too, we would love to see your pictures.
To support us through Just Giving click on the logo