

 Quote from Elsbeth:

 “I spent 6 months at ST. John’s from October to April 2013-2014 as   part of a gap year. It was a great experience and I was able to get   involved with lots of aspects at the school. I also had the opportunity   to visit the different institutions in the village such as the hospital and   primary school. My favourite thing was running after school groups at   the school especially net ball with some of the girls.”




Quote from Stephen:

“I came to St. John’s as a qualified secondary school teacher for one year and stayed for two.

Working in a different education system can be challenging BUT when the light comes on in a student’s eyes at the first time of understanding a mathematical problem or when they call on me for help or advice, I can see that it is all worth it!”

Now I am back at St Johns as a missionary with CMS.



For me, being on mission is like standing very close to the edge of a steep cliff. I feel apprehension, but the view from the edge is so astonishing that I forget my fear. It is on the edge of my comfort zone that my Western veneer drops away and I see things with new clarity—the humanity of others living in very different circumstances from me, what an extraordinary gift life is, and God’s presence in all of it.










    Nativity Play at Solya Church with impromtu props



There’s a sign in our living room here that says “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.”  I think about it often, and think it’s a perfect motto, not just for missionaries, but for people everywhere.  When you try your best and do what you can, even if it’s not much, God makes it enough.



Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, stripes and indoor


               Quote from Marie

St. Johns is changing young people´s lifes. It was an honour to be a part of that.









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