
The nearest internet cafes are in Manyoni town; internet access from Kilimatinde is not impossible but is limited. We recommend that you come with an unlocked mobile phone and buy a Tanzanian SIM card on arrival, this will be helpful for communication with others in the project but also the cost to text home is low and you can call home for approx. 15 minutes for around £2. SKYPE does not work in Kilimatinde at the moment and the internet cafes in Manyoni are not set up for it to be used. Everyone loves post! Surface mail takes about 2 weeks to come over from the UK but can be longer if a parcel is sent. The postal service is about 75% reliable – this means most but not all post makes it! Give out the below address to those who want to keep in touch with you by post:

St. John’s Seminary, PO BOX 104, Manyoni, Tanzania

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